ePrescriptions provide Australians with safe and more convenient access to their medicines

When a patient visits their doctor they now have the option to receive their prescription as a traditional paper prescription or an electronic prescription (ePrescription). The ePrescription is transmitted to the prescription exchange (eRx) where the patient controls which pharmacy can access it.

The patient can choose to receive their ePrescription as a Token via SMS, email or paper printout for each item prescribed, or they can now register for a MySL active script list.

My Script List

Simplyfing ePrescriptions for your pharmacy and patients

The My Script List (MySL) service eliminates the need to store and handle multiple ePrescription tokens that a patient may receive. Access and dispense directly from a complete digital list of their current electronic prescriptions.

Setting up a patient’s FREE MySL active script list is an easy once off registration process, and obtaining consent to access is simply via an SMS or email.

You can instantly identify your patient’s MySL registration status with the MySL indicator in Fred Dispense and Fred Dispense Plus.

ePrescription Webinars

The Next Phase – MySL and Dispensing ePrescriptions

The rollout of My Script List (MySL) will provide you and your patients further flexibility in digitally accessing their medications. See how you can directly dispense ePrescriptions in your dispensing software, as well as everything you need to know about getting your pharmacy and patients MySL ready.

MySL Explained                                                              0min – 4.28min
Embedded MedView Flow through to MySL –
DEMO – Fred Dispense                                             4.28min – 7.55min
DEMO – Fred NXT Dispense                                   8.00min – 14.09min
DEMO – How to register a patient for MySL      14.30min – 20.55min
Getting ready for the next phase                         21.27min – 26.40min
Questions and Answers                                         26.57min – 35.41min

Beyond the Token

Panel Discussion                        0min – 23.16min
My Script List                      23.16min – 38.26min
MedView Flow Update      38.26min – 46.53min
Question and Answer        46.53min – 55.13min

Dispensing ePrescriptions

PART A: ePrescription highlights and learnings so far (60min)
PART B: Into the future with MedView Flow – What you need to know (30min)

What are electronic prescriptions?